Congratulations, Here's Your Next Workout!
(Workout 1-2: Intermediate)
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- Squat Lateral Raises (5x)
- Lunge Shoulder Presses (5x)
- Wide Stance Forward Fold (30s)
- Lunge Pumps (5x)
- Punching Jacks (30x)
Repeat. 5 total rounds
1. Squat Lateral Raises 5x
*Keep back straight. Palms face down
2. Lunge Shoulder Press 5x each side
*Full breaths all the way, in/out slowly and controlled. Drop back knee. Find a pain-free range. (If painful, try palms facing each other)
3. Wide Stance Forward Fold
- Just count out to 30 (no timer necessary). Feel it and enjoy it. Don't rush through it.
*toes pointed forward (not outward rotated)*keep back straight
*exhale as you go down *relax
4. Lunge Pumps 5x each side
*Step back a little farther.*Drop back knee, both knees *Don't let front knee go forward too much *Stop if any sharp pain
5. Punching Jacks 30x
*Keep back straight Stop if any sharp pain