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Women & Men Across the Country Are Getting Results With 21FitLive

Clarissa, age 38

So this is the skirt that I bought before I started here. And before you can see all my bulges hanging out and now it's loose, and I'm wanting to get it tailored soon!

And my boss this morning, as I was walking into work, she was driving by and she said she didn't even recognize me. She thought it might have been me, but she didn't recognize me because the weight loss so how much have you lost? I don't remember. I think it was three and a half inches off my waist. And and what else? I don't remember anything else. How do you feel? I feel good. I feel like my old self again. At least I'm getting close to it. What did your old self feel like? I felt sexy. I felt sexy. Every day. Everywhere I went. I felt good. I felt confident in myself in my appearance. And it's been a long time since I felt that way.

Before I started I felt fat and just upset upset that the weight wasn't coming off no matter how hard I tried when I was working out. How long has it been with I've been here for two months. just celebrated my two months. Oh, so it's a huge achievement in a short amount of time.


So this is the skirt that I bought before I started here.  And before you can see all my bulges hanging out and now it's loose, and I'm wanting to get it tailored soon! 

 And my boss this morning, as I was walking into work, she was driving by and she said she didn't even recognize me. She thought it might have been me, but she didn't recognize me because the weight loss so how much have you lost? I don't remember. I think it was three and a half inches off my waist. And and what else? I don't remember anything else. How do you feel? I feel good. I feel like my old self again. At least I'm getting close to it. What did your old self feel like? I felt sexy. I felt sexy. Every day. Everywhere I went. I felt good. I felt confident in myself in my appearance. And it's been a long time since I felt that way.  Before I started I felt fat and just upset upset that the weight wasn't coming off no matter how hard I tried when I was working out. How long has it been with I've been here for two months. just celebrated my two months. Oh, so it's a huge achievement in a short amount of time.